Global Goddess Gathering

What is it?

Global Goddess Gathering - GGG is your TRIBE.

It’s your wolf pack that has your back.

We are the ONES we’ve been waiting for.  We are conscious souls who are stepping forward to Co-Create the World We Wish to live in…..AND claim responsibility for the World we leave for Future Generations.

Global Goddess Gathering Members are 100% responsible for the life you are manifesting.

Why do we gather?

“When Women (and Men) gather, the world will heal.”

This is for You if You are ready to…….

  • UnVeil your TRUE Nature. 

  • UnCover your Soul’s unique  purpose for Being and Choose to BE the Sovereign Master of your Subconscious.

  • BE a LEADER in the LovElution!

  • Join Hearts and  Hands with your sisters and brothers and RISE together!

We are not meant to be alone or to bear burdens alone. The Ego has kept us in Survival mode. Free your spirit and enter THRIVAL mode.

We are powerful co-creators here in human form with our very own unique purpose for being that no one else can fulfill. You are Infinitely WORTHY.

It is up to US to stand as the SOURCE of a Transformed World!

Register for the next Gathering

We operate with a shared Leadership Circle

Our Leader’s Circle is open to anyone who is willing to commit to show up consistently, to lead parts of the gatherings, who are healers, teachers, mentors, coaches, elders, wisdom keepers, change makers, and have a heart to be a wayshower, torchbearer or prayer warrior.

BeCome a member of our Leaders Circle!

This is a safe platform to share freely without fear of judgement. We support and nurture your Re-Membering process and assist you on your path to integrating your physical body into your spirit.

This is the simplest explanation I can offer.

I have a vision. It is a vision shared by many others ….CommUNITY living Harmoniously in Joy, Bliss, LOVE, Balance, Gratitude, Reverence for our planet and all the creatures of Earth…Coming together to learn how we can support ourselves and one another in practical and meaningful  ways. 

We are at the precipice of the greatest Transformation in human HerStory. Our mission is to FREE ourselves of the fears,  doubts,  limiting false beliefs, lack and separation in all forms and ReClaim our POWER and RISE UP TOGETHER!!

It is our shared vision to unite circles, to end discord, strife and isolation.

New Moon Global Goddess Gatherings are Hybrid events offering both in-person and online connection.

All who have experienced the power of circles know that when Women (and Men) gather with shared principles, cooperation, collaboration, shared leadership, deep listening without judgment, welcoming diverse points of view, sharing of resources, honoring each member for their unique contribution. Living reciprocally….. as the foundation for unifying our dreams, energy, resources and actions, and outcomes the Possibilities are limitless! Effects reverberate well beyond the gathering!

When do we gather?

Each and Every New Moon, Solstice and Equinox.

Soon we will also gather with each Full Moon.

Our leader’s circle members curate healing events, retreats, programs and classes that are often made available to our members before they are open to the public.

I promise, if you commit to simply show up, in person or via zoom from wherever you are on the planet, you will alchemize and magnetize, creating the life of your dreams with pure magic.

What is asked of a Leader?

The primary role of the leaders is to  BE PRESENT each new moon. To BE accessible to stand for one another. To Enroll more members by BEing in service and BEing Generous, loving, and connected.

Leaders facilitate our gatherings. There are 3 opportunities  each  month. Astrology Notes, sharing the energy of the heavens at the time of the gathering. We share an opening and a closing ritual, meditation or ceremony. 

Our leaders are offered a page in our Global Goddess Gathering Leader’s Circle Directory.


Save the Date

  • Sunday August 4th 

  • Monday September 2nd

  • Wednesday October 2nd

  • Friday November 1st

  • Sunday  December 1st

  • Monday December 30th

    2025 Dates

  • Saturday January 11th

  • Sunday February 9th

  • Monday March 10th

  • Tuesday April 8th

  • Wednesday May 7th

  • Friday June 6th

  • Saturday July 5th

  • Monday August 4th

  • Tuesday September 2nd

  • Thursday October 2nd

  • Saturday November 1st

  • Monday December 1st

  • Tuesday December 30th

What to expect

  • 5:30 pm Healthy plant based potluck (for in-person)

  • 6:25 Connect via zoom

  • 6:30 Opening sacred circle - Check in 

  • 6:40 Astrological forecast

  • 6:50 Opening ritual, meditation or ceremony

  • 7:10 Share circle

  • 8:10 closing ritual, meditation or ceremony

  • 8:30 Check out and mingle

In terms of what the gathering is, to put it simply, we all get together to eat and talk, or just listen if you don’t feel like talking. We see it as community building or lovingly called “goddess gathering” and a chance to actually meet and connect with others

We are ReLearning how to gather in a feminine way, create friendships and have really beautiful and fun experiences together. The events often lead to some powerful actions and changes in the world at large, but also are very valuable for each attendee, on a personal level. Most who attend say that it’s almost like magic happens during the talking circles. Circles help us all realize that we are not alone in our struggles and triumphs and they help us to see how very similar we are despite our “differences”. This helps each attendee feel more grounded, connected and inspired. This sort of community building is TRULY PRICELESS!

Remember if you are joining via Zoom, We begin at 6:25 pm EST Receive the link upon registration.

Contact us

+1-412-999-3553 Call, Text or WhatsAPP
[email protected]