Global Goddess Gathering

BeCome a member of our Global Goddess Gathering Leaders Circle!

What are the responsibilities of a Leader?

  • The primary role of the leaders is to  BE PRESENT each new moon. To BE accessible to stand for one another. To Enroll more members by BEing in service and BEing Generous, loving, and connected.

  • Leaders facilitate our gatherings. There are 3 opportunities  each  month. Astrology Notes, sharing the energy of the heavens at the time of the gathering. We share an opening and a closing ritual, meditation or ceremony. 

  • Our leaders are offered a page in our Global Goddess Gathering Leader’s Circle Directory.

Take the first step, 

Fill out your Leader’s Circle Intake Form

It is up to US to stand as the SOURCE of a Transformed World!

Contact us

+1-412-999-3553 Call, Text or WhatsAPP
[email protected]