Welcome! I’m Tami!

I’m so grateful that you are here!…

I'm an intuitive healer, transformational life coach, yoga teacher, alchemist, and architect of New Earth. I'm passionate about sharing simple techniques that empower you to embrace new habits and make lasting changes that improve your health, your relationships, align you with your soul's purpose, and impact our world.

I'm here to help you create a life that is full of joy, love, and abundance. I believe that you have the power to create the life you desire, and I'm here to support you on your journey.

My life long journey has been one of continual learning about Optimal Holistic Health and Wellness.

One Undeniable Truth I’ve discovered….Transformation is always occurring.

I have learned to Embrace and be the Master of the Changes and My Own Energy Field. This is a key to Optimal Holistic Health, which is interdependent with a Thriving Planet, Our Mother Earth, our only Home. Nature is my medicine and Immersion in Nature is an integral part of our retreats, events and courses.

I am Blessed with 4 incredible daughters. They are all grown and out of the nest. I am so proud of each one of them and it is an honor to be their Mother.

From the time I was a teenager, I have felt a strong calling to help others heal and live their best lives. I continue to learn and grow through my own healing processes, which include;

  • Transforming lifetimes of karmic cycles

  • Hunting and eradicating the paralyzing fears that kept me small and stuck in patterns of self sabotage

  • Clearing, balancing and mastering my energy field and my subconscious limiting beliefs

  • Discovering ReBirthing - The constant cycles of birth, life, death and ReBirth, The Spiral Path, is ALWAYS occurring….Becoming Consciously Aware of these cycles enabled me to master transformation and flow through the changes with Ease and Grace

  • Continually fine tuning the ways in which I fuel my body, mind and spirit and balance my emotions.

Over the course of 30 plus years in the healing arts, I have collected and curated a variety of tools to help you on your Journey to Optimal Health, Freedom and Joy.

I have studied many healing modalities over the past three decades. Most recently I became a Shamanic Minister and Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator through Venus Rising University and a Sacred Guide With IHS Unity. I am currently studying with Quantum University to become a Doctor of Integrative Medicine, and I am studying Sociocracy, an egalitarian way for those who associate together to make decisions together.

I believe the moment we first awaken to the Vastness of Our Own Spirit and Our Own Inherent Power, we can begin Shamanic Journey that leads to Wholeness. This journey unveils the Healer Within….Embodying Spiritual Consciousness and putting it into action on Earth. And this is how we manifest Heaven on Earth.

It is my honor to support you and be your accountability partner as you commit to adopting new habits that will leave you feeling restored, energized, and radiant so you can fully show up for:

  • Yourself

  • Your loved ones

  • Your passions

  • Your career

  • All of your relationships

Humanity is on the cusp of the greatest awakening and transformation in its history.

Through my own transformational process of awakening consciousness and reconciling opposites, I have gathered many valuable tools, rituals, and resources to help you navigate your own awakening process with grace and ease.

  • It is time to deeply heal ourselves and our planet.

  • We must deeply trust that as we rise together, we are laying the foundation for the new Aeon.

  • We must shine our light on the great mysteries and bring them into the center.

  • We must empower the collective to let go of old paradigm limiting beliefs that have kept us from our power, our divinity, our connection to divine source, and the oneness inherent in our sovereignty.

Are you ready to take a Quantum Leap?

Invest in yourself with a gift of Self Care.

Immerse yourself in this practice with Tami.

You ARE Worthy!

Just answer a few quick questions (Intake Form link) and then you will access my Calendar. 

Take an empowered step towards Higher Levels of Consciousness.

It is a great JOY for me to  support You  on Your  path of Spiritual Awakening. Together we will forge a plan of action to balance and align the

4 Pillars of Holistic Health;  Physical, Spiritual, Mental and Emotional.

UnVeil Your Highest Potential.

“I Am Heru Ra Ha,

Lord and Queen of the Sun,

Here to share Light, Life and Love To accomplish


Aliester Crowley

Blessings and Love Beautiful Being….


Tami Gingrow

Contact us

+1-412-999-3553 Call, Text or WhatsAPP
[email protected]